Using the preset
This is the recommended and the easiest approach. The preset can be applied with a single command, without prior installation.
To use it, run the following command at the root of your project:
npx apply laravel:vite
The preset defaults to installing Vue 3. If you don't want that, you may use the --no-vue
Note for Mac users
You will likely get an error because apply is a valid command on your system. You need to either install apply globally with npm i -g
apply, or use the --ignore-existing flag.
The preset will:
Delete resources/js
and create resources/scripts
Delete webpack.mix.js
and remove the dependency to laravel-mix
Add development dependencies on vite and laravel-vite and update package.json's scripts
Add a dependency on innocenzi/laravel-vite
Create a vite.config.ts configuration file
Add a call to the @vite
directive in welcome.blade.php
If you'd rather install Vite manually, you can follow these steps.
First, you need to remove Laravel Mix. You can do that by deleting webpack.mix.js and removing the dependency on laravel-mix. Then, you need to require both the PHP and the Node packages.
Remove Mix
rm webpack.mix.js
yarn remove laravel-mix
Require the packages
composer require innocenzi/laravel-vite
yarn add vite laravel-vite --dev
Vite is configured via a vite.config.ts file at the root of your project. Laravel Vite intervenes at this step to integrate with Laravel. For more information about that, read the configuration documentation.
// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'laravel-vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
export default defineConfig()
// Your own Vite options
Edit your package.json file's scripts property:
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite",
"build": "vite build",
"serve": "vite preview"
Finally, add the @vite directive to your Blade files