# ENV support

  • ENV support
    • Description
      • Repo Updates
      • Setting ENV to dev | test | live in virtual hosts .conf
      • Default or missing settings
      • Some optimization
      • Some final things to test

# Description

Add a .env file to the developemnt stream to contain all settings required for that respective stream. The the case of the website this will be the email, database, logs and paths settings

# Repo Updates

  • The structure and default values will be added to .default.env
  • The .default.env file will be added to the repo
  • PHP class will added to the repo that parses the .env file
  • Name Spacing will be used to ensure the correct settings are used per environment
  • if the .env file does not exist it will be created with the default values

# Setting ENV to dev | test | live in virtual hosts .conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName www.default.com
    ServerAlias default.com

    SetEnv APP_ENV 'dev'

    DocumentRoot /var/www/default.com/public_html
    ErrorLog /var/www/default.com/error.log
    CustomLog /var/www/default.com/requests.log combined



# default
default.email.smtp.host = hostname
default.email.smtp.pass = password

.env (dev env)

# dev
dev.email.smtp.host = hostname
dev.email.smtp.pass = password

# Default or missing settings

  • To define the structure and defaults for the settings go in default.env file will be created and added to the repo.
  • The repo will not contain the .env file.
  • If no .env file is found then the default.env file is copied to .env (.env will take priority over default.env
  • If settings get added to default.env will be added to .env

First the system loads defaults.env

# Some optimization

  • Load the .env variables into the session and the values stored in the session will only be loaded if a variable is not found
  • Create session variable setter and getter to not access the globals all the time
  • Create shutdown handler which will dump the .env settings in the session as the runtime ends
  • Create spl_autoloader got classes using namespaces equal to the folder structure
  • Added a bootstrap.php file that loads all the .env class and some helper functions and some constants
  • Error reporting was managed by apache, now also set by the .env variables

# Some final things to test

= will .default.env be accessible by http / https on port 80?